Jesus myspace graphic comments

Great Is Our God 你真伟大

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Amy & Family

This is Amy (my cousin) & her hubby & lovely daughter Jace


My princess.

Andy & Shannon

Here's little something for newly register couple Andy (my cousin) & Shannon.
OUR WEDDING DAY animated photo frame

book of luv

Happy Couple

Idy - A Great Sis

friends,best friend

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Funny Dogs in Action

孙悟空's 师弟, Woody
Spidy in disguise

I call this Super Dog, anyone disagree with me??

A whole troop of McDog staff to serve you. Standing from left is Staff Dog, Dog Fries, Dogppy Meal & Dog 'O' Burger.
"Seems our customers are not too interested in these drooling Dog Meals."

Sisters Are Hearts String Together

sisters  family


Enhanced photo

friends  friends
SISTERS  sisters

Monday, November 24, 2008

Benny Hinn Session

This is a night of miracles. I witness with my own eyes the ones sick in the body are healed; deaf can hear, those cannot bend their bodies; legs, fingers, ankle & back can move freely now. Even me, I came with aching legs and they are healed. Really, seeing is believing! I was really glad I made it there to witness this special event. All halls are full, from Hall 8 to Hall 7 to Hall 10. Total 25,000 of us, all came to witness the signs & wonders.

Asia Conference - AR Bernard, Phil Pringle & Christine Pringle

Overflow Room (Hall 10)

AR Bernard Session

Main Hall (8) Performance by Christian City Church

Phil Pringle Session

Lunch Session with Christine Pringle

Me & Joyce

Joyce, Me, Jace & Gloria



Thursday, November 20, 2008

LengLeng & her family

Doesn't that cutie pie resemble her mom?
Jazz Me -My Book  jazzmin

Lil Princess  princess

scrapbook  scrapbook

Monday, November 17, 2008


DOVE  dove

City Harvest Church @ Jurong West

This week's schedule have a minor change as we aren't at mum's home this weekend so we can't join the Saturday Service at the Expo so we join the Sunday Service instead at the Jurong West. It was the children's 1st time there. They had their porridge fed on the 4th level canteen. After which Xavier, Shanice & Shannon proceed individually to their various classrooms. After settling them down, I join Joyce & Victor at the service. Joyce & Victor are singing on stage today. I like the new praise & worship songs alot. Before the service starts we had the Baby Dedication Service. The little babies are such cuties, they are so well behaved as Pst Kong bless each and everyone one of them. Afterwhich the service commence. We went straight home after service.

Baby Dedication Ceremony, Pastor Kong bless each and every little baby on stage
Just look at the little cutie pies sitting on the balm of their ever loving parents.